Pulse Load MELF Resistors (RGM)

Pulse Load MELF Resistor (RGM) provides maximum thermal compliance. Introduction

Providing design engineers with a family of resistors designed specifically for surge and pulse applications, DeMint Electronics' family of power MELF resistors feature extended performance capability with ratings up to 3W.

Consisting of the RGM16M, RGM17M, RGM18M, and RGM74 Series resistors, the devices in the power MELF family all use DeMint's Metal Glaze resistive element on ceramic substrates. The RGM Anti-Surge Melf Series feature metal caps fitted on the terminals of the cylindrical resistor body to give the devices exceptional thermal compliance.

The resistors in the power MELF family provide excellent thermal compliance as well as a variety of surge capabilities. The rugged RGM18M Series resistors are rated up to 3W and provide maximum thermal compliance, while the RGM74 Series resistors offer as much as three times the surge rating of standard resistors, which equates to up to 10 times the surge rating of similar-sized flat thick film chip resistors. The range of capabilities allows customers to select the best device to provide stable performance in harsh environment applications.

The Metal Glaze thick film element on the RGM Series devices is fired at 1000°C to a solid ceramic substrate. The resistors feature power ratings of 0.5W, 1W, 2W and 3W at 70°C. Resistance values range from 10kΩ ~ 1GΩ with standard tolerance to ±0.5%, maximum voltage of up to 6000V and TCRs ±100ppm/°C. Maximum operating temperature for the resistors is +125°C.

The RGM MELF Series is a perfect fit when an anti-surge resistor is required. Other major applications of RGM resistors are: AC mains protection, isolation between primary/secondary circuits in TVs, voltage dividers, ignition/switching circuit in electronic ballasts.

DeMint will also produce MELF devices outside these specifications to meet customer requirements. Contact us with your specific needs. Download PDF Specification Anti-Surge Pulse Load Melf Resistor (RGM).

Features :
  1. Tolerance range: ±0.5% to ±10%; Resistance range: 10K Ω ~ 1G Ω.
  2. High pulse handling capability. DIN: 0207, 0309, 0411.
  3. Temperature coefficient: ±100ppm/°C, ±200ppm/°C.
  4. Combine high resistance range with high voltage.
  5. Power dissipation rating at 70°C up to 3W.
  6. Speciality metal glaze film technology.
  7. Lead (Pb)-free and RoHS compliant.
Applications :
  1. Power Supply (SMPS): Voltage Divider, Isolation, PFC control, Mains Protection and Discharge Path Resistor.
  2. CTV, CRT Monitor: Isolation Resistor, Mains Protection, Discharge Path Resistor and Power Factor Control (PFC).
  3. Test & Measurement: Voltage Divider and Surge Protection.
  4. Home Appliances: Control Module for Surge Protection.
  5. Electronic Ballast: Ignition, Switching Spark Circuit.

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